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Getting started

This section will guide you through the installation and setup of the development environment.


The first step is to install the wsadmin-type-hints package.

  • Using pip (global install):

    pip install wsadmin-type-hints

  • Using poetry:

    poetry add wsadmin-type-hints --group dev 

  • Using pipenv:

    pipenv install --dev wsadmin-type-hints

  • For other dependency managers (such as pdm or hatch) see the respective documentation...


If installed inside a virtual environment, you may need to activate it first, to be able to use it.


The wsadmin-type-hints package is intended to be used to provide type hints to the Python interpreter used by IDE language servers (such as Pylance). Because of this, the functions do not contain actual code and their body is always empty.

The following steps will allow you to make use of modern IDE intellisense for wsadmin objects:

  1. To differentiate between the development and production environment we can use a try..except block:

        (AdminControl, AdminConfig, AdminApp, AdminTask, Help)
    except NameError:
        # wsadmin objects are not defined, so this is the development environment.
        from wsadmin_type_hints import *   # type: ignore
        print("Production environment, i'm not needed here 😃")
    This block could even be left as-is in the code deployed on the production server (maybe leaving out the emoji before uploading 😇), since it won't ever reach the import (and even then the script would simply fail because of the wsadmin-type-hints package not being there). The # type: ignore is used to ignore the Pylance warning Wildcard import from a library not allowed

  2. Use the wsadmin objects like always:

    current_cell = AdminControl.getCell()
    print("Current cell: %s" % current_cell)